South Kona Physical Therapy
There are a wide range of reasons for seeking out physical therapy service; each one having an effect on your health, comfort, and lifestyle. Here at South Kona Physical Therapy we offer extensive experience with so many diagnoses it would be challenging to present them all.
Listed below are some conditions commonly treated by our team of experienced and well educated physical therapists at South Kona Physical Therapy.
- Orthopedic Injuries (Fractures, Sprains, Strains)
- Joint Pain (hips to toes and shoulders to fingers)
- Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Conditions)
- Joint replacements (Pre and Post Care)
- Cartilage Damage Knee (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, Meniscus Tears)
- Arthroscopic Joint Surgery
- Adhesive Capsulitis
- Rotator Cuff Tears and/or Repairs
- Back Pain - Muscle or Skeletal
- Sciatica
- Neck Pain and Headaches
- Neurological (CVA, SCI, TBI, Parkinson’s, Bell’s palsy, MS, ALS, CP, Neuropathy and more)
- Fibromyalgia
- Sports Injuries (Overuse Syndromes, Tendonitis, Contusions)
- Work Injuries
- Vertigo and Balance Disorders (Ear and Brain conditions)
- Edema Management
After an initial evaluation, our individualized physical therapy services are tailored to your specific needs. Goals are established with you to assure that the treatment planned meets with your expectations. Services are provided one-to-one with a licensed PT and usually last from 45-75 minutes.
The physical therapy services and treatments you may receive include:
- Cold Laser (Low Level Laser) Microlight ML830
- Electrical Stimulation
- Ultrasound
- "Graston" Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Manual Therapy - Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization
- Myofascial Release
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
- Kinesio taping (Rocktape is our preferred brand and what we have for sale @ SKPT in a variety of colors/patterns)
- Gait Training
- Functional Training
- Therapeutic Activities (to restore Activities of Daily Living)
- Therapeutic Exercise with emphasis on Home Exercise Program training
- Thermal Treatments of Moist Heat Packs, Ice Packs, Ice Massage, Paraffin
- Neuromuscular, Balance, and Coordination Re-education
- Mechanical Traction
- Work Conditioning
- Education will be provided by your physical therapist covering your diagnosis and your treatment
- Gym use* see The Gym page of this website for details
SKPT accepts most insurance plans:
- All HMSA plans, including Akamai Advantage and Quest
- Medicare and several Medicare Advantage Plans
- Workers' Compensation (Exercise your right to choose where you'd like to have PT. You shouldn't have to drive farther than nec.)
- Veteran's Administration
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Many "mainland" insurance plans
- Kaiser Permanente Plans (Permitting clients to use out-of-network PT or PT service within reasonable travel distance)
Your insurance plan may require you to pay deductibles and/or copays.
The insurance provider whose phone # is on your insurance card will tell you what out-of-pocket fees apply to PT services.
Our staff at SKPT will be happy to assist you in obtaining that information when available.
Cold Laser also known as LLLT- Low Level Laser Therapy is
recognized by the FDA as safe and effective to provide
non-thermal biostimulation of human tissue.